About Us
Bone Therapy is a group of dedicated Nashville area part-time trombonists formed in 2004 in search of the enjoyment that comes with playing trombone ensemble music of all styles.
The name (and syringe on the logo) comes from the group’s origin as a trombone quartet of physicians in various phases of their careers. Since some of the group were also members of a physician - predominant big band “Sound Therapy”, the name was a natural.
Bone Therapy has become a large trombone choir that now includes lawyers, vets, clergy, IT personnel, current and former band directors, high school students, etc. We feel our name expresses the effect of fine trombone music on those who play and listen to it. On occasions when some of us perform as a smaller group, we add the name “Osteoblasts”.
PS: I am not an Orthopedic Surgeon and we are not all doctors.
This is a link for an NPR story on trombone choirs.
A testament to the therapeutic effects of the trombone (NPR).
*Bone Therapy Trombone Logo and shirts designed by the fine folks at MusicaliTee.com.
Updated July 15, 2020